March 29, 2018

Things we Slacked in March

1. This really helpful technique for optimal productivity

“The Pomodoro Technique explained” Link to article

2. This pic of Rocket


3. This really awesome update for Instagram!!

“FINALLY”  – Link to article 

4. This article about Iconic’s new Facebook ads

“If anyone has seen Iconic’s new Facebook ads where they have the pricing on the image for an individual product. It isn’t done manually…it pulls from a CSV and replaces the rights fields – then spits out unlimited image ads.” 

Link to article

5. This new addition to the office

6. This good boy

“The Easter bunny visited”

7. This adorable gif!


The human is back!

8. This full-page ad in the Sydney Morning Herald

“Good lord – RIP Steve Smith” Link to article 

9. This great gif that Adam made

10. This article about Google AdWords

Google are going to ban crypto ads in AdWords Link to article


11. This very satisfying gif


Satisfying Infinite loop

12. This homemade gif of Crumpet



13. This article about Nike

“Some interesting new ideas from Nike’s product pages” Link to article

14. This great poster for our CRO services


After sending an enormous number of gifs, we chose this one to be the best sent this month!

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