How to Re-purpose Blog Content for Social Media
Sharing your blog posts to social media will deliver a steady flow of traffic to your website. If you have already gone to all the effort of creating high-quality content for your website, there’s no reason not to share with your social media communities.
We recently sat down with one of our clients, Rose Training, to explain how you to get the most out of your blog content and cross promote it on social media effectively. Rose Training is one of our digital clients and we have worked with them closely to continue innovating over recent years.
You can watch the Q&A here:
Here are three key takeaways to start making your content work harder:
1. Make the Most of Infographics
Infographics are a great visual summary of a blog article. They are easy to read and are one of the most shared visuals on social media! Embed social sharing buttons into your blog posts so that readers can quickly share them for you.
They are especially popular on social platforms like LinkedIn and Pinterest, where the audience is hungry for information.
Canva is a free, online graphic design tool which makes creating infographics easy. If you’re savvy with the Adobe creative suite, you can also try your hand at creating a video infographic in After Effects.
To get more out of your article, you could share the link to your socials one week and then post the infographic the following week. This reminds people to check out your latest piece of content and captures anyone from your audience you may have missed in your original post. You can also break your infographic down into smaller chunks to spread out the social sharing.
2. Turn Search Engine Queries into Social Content
There are plenty of great online tools which you can use to find out what questions people are asking Google that are related to your business. Google Search Console and SEMRush are great starting points.
It’s safe to assume that your social media followers are also eager for the same information. Use these frequently asked questions to inspire your blog content and share it on social media using the relevant hashtags. Be sure to include an engaging headline and caption that highlights the problem your article is going to solve for your reader.
3. Write with Purpose
Always think about what you want your content marketing efforts to achieve. You may be trying to gain:
- Brand awareness
- E-mail sign ups
- Subscribers
- Revenue
- Traffic
Include the relevant calls to action in your posts and tell readers what you want them to do. Encourage them to read a related article or subscribe for your newsletter within each post.
Make sure that it’s obvious how they can click through to your website from your social post. Also remember to tailor your tone to your platform and audience. For more tips and tricks on social media, visit the College of Social Media Marketing’s website.